Table OA5: Ordered Probit Model with Decomposition of Within and Between Effects and Cluster Robust Standarderrors - State-level
  MOA1.2 MOA2.2 MOA3.2 MOA4.2
   1994 Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
   2000 -0.3721 *** -0.4103 *** -0.4115 *** -0.4203 ***
   2004 -0.4653 *** -0.6105 *** -0.6182 *** -0.5281 ***
   2010 -0.0560 0.0332 0.0494 -0.0083
Male  -0.1763 *** -0.1751 *** -0.1733 *** -0.1738 ***
Age -0.0069 *** -0.0070 *** -0.0070 *** -0.0070 ***
Married 0.0100 0.0036 0.0020 0.0018
   Low 0.1005 *** 0.0993 *** 0.0996 *** 0.1026 ***
   Medium Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
   High -0.1936 *** -0.1956 *** -0.1946 *** -0.1950 ***
Employment Status
   Employed -0.1138 *** -0.1175 *** -0.1190 *** -0.1196 ***
   Unemployed 0.2750 *** 0.2596 *** 0.2621 *** 0.2570 ***
   Not in labor force Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
Left-Right -0.0975 *** -0.0976 *** -0.0981 *** -0.0977 ***
Equiv. HH-Income (in 1,000€) -0.1093 ** -0.1113 ** -0.1114 ** -0.1116 **
Community Size
   < 1.999  Ref. Ref. Ref. Ref.
   2.000 - 4.999  0.0175 0.0454 0.0346 0.0483
   5.000 - 19.999 0.0240 0.0388 0.0254 0.0365
   20.000 - 49.999  0.1256 * 0.1337 * 0.1209 0.1374 *
   50.000 - 99.999 0.1599 * 0.1511 * 0.1406 * 0.1548 *
   100.000 - 499.999 0.0892 * 0.0938 0.0841 0.0975
   >= 500.000  0.0746 0.1159 0.0793 0.0904
West Germany -0.5595 *** -0.3795 ** -0.5397 *** -0.4402 **
Share foreigners (between) -0.0069 * 0.0928 * -0.0365
Share foreigners (within) -0.2468 *** -0.3158 ** -0.0665
Unemployment rate (between) 0.0112 0.0220 * -0.0073
Unemployment rate (within) 0.0525 *** 0.0540 *** 0.0726 ***
Share foreigners^2 (between) -0.0062 *
Share foreigners^2 (within) 0.0052
Foreigners*Unemployment rate (between) 0.0021
Foreigners*Unemployment rate (within) -0.0093 **
Foreigners^2*Unempl. rate(between)
Foreigners^2*Unempl. rate(within)
GDP/C (in 1,000€) (between) -0.0055 0.0033 -0.0016
GDP/C (in 1,000€) (within) 0.0306 0.0400 * 0.0121
Cut1 -2.9068 *** -2.8656 *** -2.3670 *** -3.0977 ***
Cut2  -0.9808 *** -0.9284 * -0.4281   -1.1585 **
N (States) 16 16 16 16
N (State-years) 64 64 64 64
N (Individuals) 8245 8245 8245 8245
AIC 13955.763 13877.369 13865.448 13864.222
BIC 14061.023 13982.630 13970.709 13969.482
Log Likelihood -6962.882 -6923.685 -6917.724 -6917.111
Notes: * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001 (two-sided tests). 
Source: GGSS (1994, 2000, 2004, 2010), Statistic Departments of the Federation and the Federal States (2013a).